A Universitiy is an institution of education. They grant academic degrees at all levels, e.g. bachelor, master and doctorate.
Universities are generally divided into academic departments, schools or faculties.
Although there are variable policies or traditional standards, universities are the foremost research and advanced training providers in every society.
Often Universities not only offer courses in diffrent subjects, they also offer many amenities to the student population like bars, restaurants, banks and bookshops.
The organisation of the Universities depends on the diffrent countries all over the world. Some Universities are funded by the state, but the founding also may come from donors or from fees, payed by students.
Famous Universities
The University of Princeton is fourth oldest of the USA and was founded in 1746. Also the neogothic style of the famous institution shows the age of the bulding. The capital stock totals 10 Milliard US Dollar. At the moment there are 6677 students registered. The majority of the students live in student residences on the campus. A large part of students come from rich families, they must pay 43.400 US Dollar in a year.
The final examination which you can get in Princeton are Bachelor and Master.
Havard is a private University in Cambridge founded in 1636. It is the oldest University in the USA and it is attended by 20042 students. Havard Campus consists of serveral economically independent institution including 9 faculties. Also the university owns the biggest library of the world. Young people studying on the campus have the possibility to live in student residences.
Bachelor is the final graduation. The criteria of admission in Havard are very strict only 10% of the applicants get the chance to study.
Yale, being the third oldest University, was founded in 1701 to educate leaders. Today 1390 students attend the private University in New Haven. There exist many famous unions of students. Renowed people having studied in Yale are Hilary and Bill Clinton but also George W. Bush.
Comparsion with Germany
There are many differences between German and American Universities:
The universities in America are much bigger than in Germany. Alone the very big Campus of an American University which includes an area about 8-10km² shows this.
A lot of famous people like James Dean (actor), Dave Farrell (a member of a famous Rock Band), Ben Stiller (comedian), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and many politicians were at Universities in America. The famous people who vistited German Universities are not as much as in America. Because of these famous people American Universities reach a very high status.
You have to apply for an American University at an early stage, not like in Germany. And "Top"- Universities like Yale or Harvard attaches great importance to the character and the status of a person. Because of that they make, not like in Germany, tests to decide which student is allowed to make his/her graduation.
German Universities are much cheaper than American Universities. A study course of four years (Bachelor) costs approximately 100.000 US Dollars! In Germany you have to pay 500 per semester ordinarily.
The system is basically equal in German and American Universities.